Outstanding attorney
Extremely knowledgeable and well respected counselor in the Family Law community. Worked exceptionally well with teachers, therapist, child care providers and other key witnesses to present a rock solid case for majority custody of my children. She is aggressive but also has restraint to ensure the best result for her client. She is extremely thorough with her court preparation and will know the details of your case better than you. Her advanced knowledge of case law and Florida statutes allows her to formulate water-tight motions and objections that routinely obtain positive results. In addition, her long-term forethought and strong written communication skills allows her to formulate final orders and docunents that adress all posiible scenarios and protects you from further litigation in the future. She also cares about her clients and believes in their cause which helps during those tough days of divorce litigation. I can't say enough good things about this attorney, because of her my kids have been given the best opportunity to succeed.